Think Local Act Global

To retain talents effectively and provide incentives and rewards

We have designed a salary system that is competitive and better than the industry standards. We determine employees’ salary based on their education and experience, professional knowledge and skills, length of professional experience and individual performance, regardless of their nationality, gender, race, religion, political affiliation and marital status.
  • Employees’ salary and benefits in 2021 increased by 19.26% compared with 2020.
  • The percentage of eligible employees applying for childbirth subsidies under the childcare support program in 2021 reached 100%.
  • We purchased insurance and group insurance policies for medical treatment and accidents for employees and provide employees with health checkup once every three years.
  • There is an employee welfare committee, which is responsible for employee welfare related matters.
  • We make a contribution to employees’ pension funds in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and the Labor Pension Act.